Romash & Crowell Physical Therapy Staff
At Romash & Crowell Physical Therapy, we know that your therapy experience is essential for your safety, functionality, and overall health. We consider our office an essential medical business. We plan on remaining open at this time in order to do our part in keeping the community healthy and safe. In an effort to continue treating current patients and welcome new patients, we will maintain in-clinic visits, offer in-home visits and incorporate Telehealth into our care in the near future.
Due to the prevalence of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), we have taken necessary action to upgrade our current cleaning and sanitizing protocols to keep our facility clean and our patients and staff safe. Our more rigorous precautions include sanitizing patient rooms and equipment before and after use, frequent hand washing in between patient treatments, hand sanitizer distributions throughout the clinic for patient use and appropriate staff-patient distancing throughout each therapy session.
Together, in our clinic and within the community, we can take maximum precautions to better the wellness of others while maintaining a safe environment in our clinic:​​
Please enter the clinic only at the time of visit (no earlier).
Please do not have anyone unnecessary accompany your visit. (If possible, please have assisting friends/family wait in the car).
Pre Appointment
Please wash your hands or use hand sanitizer prior to and after entering the clinic.
Post Appointment
Please wash your hands or use hand sanitizer prior to in-home visits.
According to the World Health Organization, “common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties.” If you are experiencing any of these symptoms or believe you may be at risk, please do not visit the clinic.
Please feel free to call our office (856-427-9311) with any questions regarding our current actions to combat COVID-19 or current operation status. Together, we can maintain a healthy and safe community. Thank you for your cooperation during this time.